
We are accepting new students! Take a look below to see how to get involved.

Graduate students

Prospective students should apply directly to the Dept. of Physics application page. Current UCSB students enrolled in a Physics or Chemistry PhD program that interested in joining or rotating in the lab should email Dr. Patterson (davepatterson@ucsb.edu) directly.

Undergraduate students

Undergraduates who are interested in a research position in the lab should email Dr. Patterson with their CV, (unofficial) transcript, and a brief description of research interests and goals. Undergraduates are expected to commit at least 10 hours per week to working in the lab for at least three quarters. 

Postdoctoral fellows

Prospective postdocs should submit a cover letter describing their background and research interests in the Patterson Group, a CV, and contact information for three references to Dr. Patterson. 

Fellowship opportunities to consider applying for:

Elings Prize Fellowships in Science

UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program